Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Hey everyone! So I just got don’t eating dinner, its 7:55pm. I know it isn’t 6pm like it’s supposed to be, but as long as I don’t go to bed for about 2-3 hours it should be okay…

I had kind of a weird day. My mom woke me up early in the morning like I asked her to, but I fell right back asleep. So I didn’t get to go to school and makeup some hours unfortunately. Anyways, I woke up around 11am and that just pissed me off because that screwed up not only my eating schedule, but my work out schedule as well. Never the less, I got up and did my morning workout routine of 50 crunches + 60 second planking.  I think the crunches are getting easier. I know it’s only my third day doing this, but I think because I’m doing them morning and night my body is starting to get use to them. I can feel my back lifting up hirer and hirer every time I do them.  The planking, not so much; I have had to do them in 15 second increments because for some reason it’s just too hard to hold myself up. I’m still trying though; hopefully it will get easier as well.

It was not a very protective day. Since I was not going to school I kind of just hung out all day. Did a little bit of blog reading, fiddled around on Facebook; all while lying in bed lol. I started to get a migraine though from my computer. So I turned off my light, set a candle, put on Breakfast at Tiffany’s and tried to relax while I listen to Audrey Hepburn. I fell asleep with my cat, Ophelia snuggled up next to me and woke-up around 5pm to a barking dog. That would be Nikita; as much as I love my mom’s dog she is a bit obnoxious.  My mom came into check on me because she’s amazing and offered me some “Goodies”, I don’t know if you know what that, is but it’s basically Aspirin that you take when you have a really bad migraine. I can’t stand it because it’s in a powder form. You’re supposed to put it in the middle of your tongue and drink it down with some water, but if you accidentally inhale your completely screwed lol because your choking to death. It’s miserable; instead I got up and took some generic Excedrin.

About 15- 20 minutes later I felt a little better so I decided to go ahead with my work out for the day. I got my phone and turned on my music and left. My workout consisted of alternating 60- 90 seconds of walking and jogging for 30-35 minutes. I am so proud of myself for pushing myself. Usually, when I say I am going to work out or start eating better, I makeup a crap ton of excuses and never end up following through. Even though it’s only been three days, it’s still a struggle. The fact that I have been able to tell myself to get my ass up and work out because I AM WORTH IT (SO ARE YOU) is a HUGEEEEEE accomplishment for me. I’ve gotten a lot of support from my friends and family. So that has been a great help.

After I got done working out I came home, had dinner and here I am now. This whole process so far has already helped me feel better about myself. I still have my insecurities just like everyone else, but I promise if you realize that you and your general health are worth it; you will start to feel amazing and so proud of yourself for pushing yourself to do things you didn’t think you could do.   Remember to keep your head up and do this for you and no one else. You are a beautiful person and you deserve to be happy <3

All my love,

What I ate today:

Breakfast – breakfast smoothie (Blend together one banana, 1 cup ice, ¼ cup cooked oatmeal, ½ cup milk of your choice (I prefer almond milk), pinch of cinnamon)

Snack- one string cheese and 5 whole grain crackers

Lunch- ¼ cup of Grape Nuts, ½ cup of Almond Milk and a few mixed berries.

Dinner- salad of romaine and spinach leafs, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes (mix together olive oil, balsamic vinegar, lemon, salt and pepper for the dressing)

Snack- 5 whole grain crackers

PLEASE REMEMBER TO DRINK LOTS OF WATER THROUGH OUT THIS PROCESS! {Jarett’s Tip: “Drink one ounce of water for every pound you weigh per day. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, drink 120 ounces of water throughout the day.”} Jarett is Lauren Conrad’s personal trainer.


  1. Hey Phoenix -- I saw this from you fb and just want to tell you, great job! I can tell you're dedicated and wish you all the best.

    1. Thanks sweetie! Im def trying. It's hard work, but it will be worth it in the end <3
